Monday, August 10, 2009

Wadi Rum

> The magnificent landscape of Wadi Rum is a must-see for any visitor to Jordan.
Wadi Rum

Touring Wadi Rum in a hot air balloon is an unforgettable experience.

This is a stupendous, timeless place, virtually untouched by humanity and its destructive forces. Here, it is the weather and winds that have carved the imposing, towering skyscrapers, so elegantly described by T.E. Lawrence as “vast, echoing and god-like”..

A maze of monolithic rockscapes rise up from the desert floor to heights of 1,750 metres creating a natural challenge for serious mountaineers. Hikers can enjoy the tranquility of the boundless empty spaces, explore the canyons and water holes to discover 4000 year old rock drawings and the many other spectacular treasures this vast wilderness holds in store.
When visiting Wadi Rum remember to bring something warm to wear at night as temperatures can vary from a daytime average of 32°C down to 4°C at night. See the table below for average seasonal temperatures:


Also known as ‘The Valley of the Moon’, this is the place where Prince Faisal Bin Hussein and T.E. Lawrence based their headquarters during the Arab Revolt against the Ottomans in World War 1, and their exploits are intrinsically woven into the history of this amazing area.

Always remember to ask permission before taking photographs of the local Bedouin people.


A campsite in Wadi Rum.

There are several options for exploring Wadi Rum. Visitors should head for the Visitors Centre where, apart from visitors’ facilities, they can hire a 4x4 vehicle, together with driver/guide, and then drive for two or three hours into the Wadi system to explore some of the best known sites. Alternatively they can hire a camel and guide. The duration of the trip can be arranged beforehand through the Visitors Centre, as can a stay under the stars in a Bedouin tent, where they can enjoy a traditional campfire meal accompanied by Arabic music.
Always dress modestly when visiting an area inhabited by the Bedouin. Their culture is very different to those of more liberal western cultures and skimpy shorts and tops will be considered disrespectful.

Burdah Rock Bridge stands 35m high and is considered one of the highest natural arches in the world.

Once transport has been arranged, there are various excursions available - for example, a trip to Burdah Rock Bridge, the highest in Wadi Rum, via the Seven Pillars of Wisdom and many other interesting sights, is a full day by car or an overnight trip by camel. There are many alternative routes and information on these is available from your tour operator or from the Visitors Centre on-site.

The Bedouin people that inhabit the area still maintain their semi-nomadic lifestyle. They are hospitable and offer a friendly welcome to visitors, often inviting them to sit and enjoy a coffee or even a meal.

Eco & Nature

Eco Tourism & Nature

This is a nature-lovers paradise; a unique ecosystem where rare plants and herbs, long known by the Bedouin for their curative powers, can be discovered.


The sure-footed Nubiani are at home among
the precarious cliffs.

At first glance there does not appear to be a great deal of wildlife but more observant visitors will soon discover there is more to Wadi Rum than sand and rocks. Hyrax, hares, jerboas and gerbils appear, as if from nowhere, as the sun goes down. This is also the time for the desert hunters, the foxes and Arabian sand cats, to make their appearance. Their footprints can often be seen in the sand in the early morning around the Bedouin campsites – evidence, no doubt, of their night time scavenging.
Do not pick the wild flowers and plants. A much better way to record your find is to take a photograph of it – this way it will keep forever, both for you and for Wadi Rum. It is very important that you follow the rules and regulations of the protected area.
Though not as many as in the past, there are still Nubian Ibex and gazelle to be seen. These are highly protected by the Jordanian Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN), as are the Arabian Oryx recently reintroduced to the area from the Shawmari Reserve.

Birdlife includes Desert Larks and Crested Larks, Wheatears Rock Sparrows, bright pink Sinai Rosefinches (Jordan’s National Bird) and Chukar Partridges. Overhead, Vultures, Buzzards and Eagles soar the towering cliffs
If you want a souvenir of your trip to Wadi Rum, check out the Nature Shop at the Visitors Centre.
Wadi Rum Protected Area


Local Bedouin handicrafts
make excellent souvenirs.

The Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA) represented by the management of Wadi Rum Protected Area is determined to protect this precious area with its unique flora and fauna and is making great efforts to minimize the environmental impact of modern-day tourism on the site. They have enlisted the help of the local Bedouin tribes by giving them new opportunities to benefit from its protection by sharing entrance fees, supporting and encouraging local tourism and by creating alternative sources of income through Bedouin crafts and souvenirs.

For more information on the Wadi Rum Protected Area, contact the Wadi Rum Protected Area Management:
Tel:Fax: 03 -2032586 or visit their website

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We look forward to hearing from anyone interested in visiting the Middle East.

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Jordan Artist Tours

P.O.Box 170 Petra 71810 Jordan
Tel #: 00962 (0) 3 215 7561
Fax #: 00962 (0) 3 215 4561
Cell #: 00962 (0) 7 777 64781
Skype ID: jordanartisttours

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Jordan Artist Tours
P.O.Box 170 Petra 71810 Jordan
Tel: 00962 (0) 3 215 7561
Fax: 00962 (0) 3 215 4561
Skype ID: jordanartisttours