Monday, August 10, 2009

Dead Sea & Jordan River Valley

> Salt crystals form on the shore of the Dead Sea creating an other-worldly landscape.
The Dead Sea

The Dead Sea Mud is world renowned for it's properties.

Without doubt, the world’s most amazing place, the Jordan Rift Valley is a dramatic, beautiful landscape, which at the Dead Sea, is over 400 metres (1,312 ft.) below sea level. The lowest point on the face of the earth, this vast, stretch of water receives a number of incoming rivers, including the River Jordan. Once the waters reach the Dead Sea they are land-locked and have nowhere to go, so they evaporate, leaving behind a dense, rich, cocktail of salts and minerals that supply industry, agriculture and medicine with some of its finest products.

The Dead Sea is flanked by mountains to the east and the rolling hills of Jerusalem to the west, giving it an almost other-worldly beauty. Although sparsely populated and serenely quiet now, the area is believed to have been home to five Biblical cities: Sodom, Gomorrah, Adman, Zebouin and Zoar.
If you are planning to combine a visit to the Dead Sea with a diving trip to Aqaba during your stay in Jordan, do the Dead Sea experience first. If you do it the other way around, the small cuts or grazes you may pick up from the coral reefs will soon let you know why this is the better option!

Health & Wellbeing Spa at the Dead Sea.

One of the most spectacular natural and spiritual landscapes in the world, the Jordanian east coast of the Dead Sea has evolved into a major hub of both religious and health & wellness tourism in the region. A series of good roads, excellent hotels with spa and fitness facilities, as well as archaeological and spiritual discoveries make this region as enticing to today’s international visitors as it was to kings, emperors, traders, prophets and pilgrims in antiquity.


Unusually high salt content enables one to
float effortlessly.

The leading attraction at the Dead Sea is the warm, soothing, super salty water itself – some ten times saltier than sea water, and rich in chloride salts of magnesium, sodium, potassium, bromine and several others. The unusually warm, incredibly buoyant and mineral-rich waters have attracted visitors since ancient times, including King Herod the Great and the beautiful Egyptian Queen, Cleopatra. All of whom have luxuriated in the Dead Sea’s rich, black, stimulating mud and floated effortlessly on their backs while soaking up the water's healthy minerals along with the gently diffused rays of the Jordanian sun.

Amman Touristic Beach

Situated on the Dead Sea main road, two kilometers after the hotels area . Amman Touristic Beach offers swimming pools, changing rooms for low budget travelers and locals for minimal fees. Amaman Touristic Beach is an ideal location for beach parties and events.

For further information contact: 05 3560804

Bethany Beyond the Jordan


On the banks of the River Jordan.

The site of John the Baptist's settlement at Bethany beyond the Jordan, where Jesus was baptised, has long been known from the Bible (John 1:28 and 10:40) and from the Byzantine and medieval texts.

The site has now been identified on the east bank of the Jordan River, in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and is being systematically surveyed, excavated, restored, and prepared to receive pilgrims and visitors. Bethany Beyond the Jordan is located half an hour by car from the Jordanian capital Amman.

The Bethany area sites formed part of the early Christian pilgrimage route between Jerusalem, the Jordan River, and Mount Nebo.

The area is also associated with the biblical account of how the Prophet Elijah (Mar Elias in Arabic) ascended to heaven in a whirlwind on a chariot of fire. (See main Image above).

Fun & Adventure

The Jordan Valley is a great place for thrill-seekers of all ages and abilities. The hills, valleys and waterways that lead down to the Dead Sea, provide a natural playground for a multitude of outdoor activities, from leisurely walks to exhilarating horseback rides and challenging climbs. Almost all activities take place under Jordan’s strict code of nature conservation which visitors are expected to respect.

Hiking in Wadi Mujib


The Wadi Mujib gorge is an adrenaline junkies' paradise.

Grab a lifejacket and take the plunge. The river is your only path as you trek uphill from the Dead Sea through the narrow, 50 metre high, walls of the Wadi. Your guide will take you through a series of cascading waterfalls, each more challenging than the one before.

The Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN) offers many different adventures in the Mujib, its most extensive trek is known as the ‘Lost Trail to the Dead Sea’, a full day expedition that descends from the rugged highlands above Mujib, down to the Dead Sea. Not for the fainthearted!

For those who appreciate Mother Nature and the thrill of the outdoors, a hike through the Wadi system may prove to be a challenging exercise rejuvenating the body as well as the mind.

Hammamat Zarqa Ma'in Hot Springs


Waterfalls at Ma'in.

Luxuriate in the hot thermal springs at Hammamat Zarqa Ma’in and Al-Himma and take time out to visit some of the historic architecture of the area.
Close by are two sites linked by tradition to Herod the Great. One is the palace at Makawer (machaerus), where Salome traditionally danced, and where John the Baptist was beheaded. King Herod was said to have bathed in its medicinal waters of the springs and people have come here for thermal treatments or simply to enjoy a hot soak, since the days of Rome.

Dead Sea Ultra Marathon

An international ‘fun run’ that takes place every April and raises money for The Society for the Care of Neurological Patients. Starts in Amman and runs 42 kilometres (26 miles) to the Dead Sea. Fortunately, mostly downhill!

Visit the Dead Sea Ultra Marathon

History& Culture

The Jordan Valley is part of the Great Rift Valley that runs from Turkey to east Africa, formed by a series of geological upheavals millions of years ago. The Dead Sea originally stretched the entire 360 kilometres, from Aqaba, in the south, to Lake Tiberias (the Sea of Galilee) in the north.

The therapeutic water of the Dead Sea, combined with the valley’s fertile land and warm climate, have attracted people to live, hunt and farm in the area since the Stone Age. Over 200 archaeological sites have been discovered, but there are believed to be many more.

Many of the historical sites around the Dead Sea region are intrinsically linked with biblical events.

Religion & Faith


Adam in the garden of Eden.

For Christians, this region inspires their faith. This is the place where God first spoke to Man. It is the Holy Land where God gave his Ten Commandments to Moses, where Job suffered and was rewarded for his faith, Where Jesus was baptized by John, and where Jacob wrestled with the angel of God.

In the Book of Genesis, God refers to the Jordan River Valley around the Dead Sea, as the “Garden of the Lord”, and it is believed to be the location of the Garden of Eden,

The infamous cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and many other places were the subjects of dramatic and enduring Old Testament stories, including that of Lot, whose wife turned into a pillar of salt for disobeying God’s will.

Twelve hundred years after the death of Moses, the Bible claims that John the Baptist preached and baptized in a place called Bethany Beyond the Jordan. This place has now been identified as Tell a-Kharrar and Elijah’s Hill.

Islamic Sites

Many of these sites and others in the region are also significant Holy places for Muslims, who can find a plethora of religious destinations that are important to the development of Islam, the religion followed by the majority of Jordanians today.

Visit the tombs of the Prophet Mohammad's (PBUH) venerable companions and military leaders who fell in battle or became victims of the Great Plague (Amwas Plague) in the 18th year after the Hijra.

Abu Ubeida Amer Bin Al-Jarrah

A relative of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and one of the first converts to Islam. He participated in all major events and was one of the ‘Blessed Ten’, to whom the Prophet promised paradise. As supreme commander of the Northern Muslim Army, he successfully conquered Syria and was dubbed by the Prophet as ‘The Trustee of the Nation’. At the age of 58 he fell victim to the Great Plague that spread through Greater Syria. His tomb, in the Central Jordan Valley, is a major Islamic centre with a mosque, library and cultural centre.

Mo'ath Bin Jabal

A venerable companion and one of the six charged with the task of compiling the Holy Quran during the life of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). He was sent by the Prophet as counselor to the people of Yemen and also took part in the Aqaba Allegiance Convention between the Prophet and his supporters from Medina. He died at the age of 38 in the Jordan Valley, having spent his short life teaching faith and the Holy Qu'ran. A modern building with five domes houses his tomb.

Shurhabil Bin Hasanah

A venerable companion and one of the early Muslims who fled to Abyssinia. Known for his strong faith, intelligence, bravery and administrative abilities, he participated in the Battle of Yarmouk and the conquest of Jerusalem. He also commanded the army assigned to the conquest of Jordan. He later became the governor of a province in Greater Syria. He died from the plague on the same day as the venerable companion, Abu Ubeida Amer bin Al-Jarrah.

Amir Bin Abi Waqqas

A maternal cousin of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and the eleventh man to convert to Islam. He migrated to Abyssinia and fought in the battle of Uhud. He was later entrusted with carrying messages from the commanders of the Muslim army to the Caliph in Medina and became deputy to the venerable companion, Abu Ubeida during his governorship in Syria. His tomb is located within a new building erected on vaults, in the village of Waqqas in the Northern Jordan Valley.

Derar Bin Al-Azwar

A venerable companion of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). He was a poet and fierce warrior, who fought in the wars of Apostasy and took part in the conquest of Greater Syria, alongside his distinguished sister, Khawlah bint Al-Azwar. A victim of the Great Plague, he died in the 18th year after the Hijra. His tomb is located in a mosque superimposed by a dome, in the town of Deir ‘Alla.

Bethany Beyond the Jordan


The River Jordan, where Jesus was baptized.

The Bible claims that John preached and baptised in a place called Bethany Beyond the Jordan, which Byzantine and Medieval texts, as well as modern archaeology identify as the site called Tell a-Kharrar and Elijah’s Hill. Stunning archaeological discoveries since 1996 reveal pottery, coins and architectural remains from a 5th century Byzantine monastery.


Baptism pool.

They also reveal an earlier 3rd century building with fine mosaics and what is known as a Christian ‘prayer hall’. If this is correct, it might be one of the earliest Christian prayer facilities anywhere in the world. Also identified is the cave where John the Baptist lived, according to numerous Byzantine pilgrims’ texts. The cave was turned into a church and a freshwater channel running from the cave, purportedly used by John for baptising, can still be visited today.

For more information on Bethany Beyond the Jordan, please click here to visit the "Baptism Site Commission" website.


A city of mosaics. Madaba Sites include St. George's Church, with a mosaic map of the Holy Land, Madaba Archaeological Park, Madaba Museum, the Church of the Apostles and a Mosaic School.

Learn more about Madaba & the Vicinity

Mount Nebo


The sanctuary at Mount Nebo.

The place where Moses was buried and the most revered Holy site in Jordan. When you stand at the top of this mountain, you can see, as Moses did, the vast panorama that encompasses the Jordan River Valley, the Dead Sea, Jericho and Jerusalem.

According to legend, this is also the place where Jeremiah hid the Ark of the Covenant. It was a place of pilgrimage for early Christians and Mount Nebo’s first church was built in the fourth century to commemorate the site of Moses’ death.


The Serpentine Cross outside the sanctuary at Mt. Nebo.

Six tombs, from different periods, have been found hollowed out of the rock beneath the mosaic-covered floor of the church. In the present presbytery you can see remnants of mosaics, the earliest of which is a panel with a braided cross.

The Serpentine Cross, which stands just outside the sanctuary, is symbolic of the brass serpent taken by Moses into the desert and the cross upon which Jesus was crucified.


The hilltop where King Herod's palace stood.


The remains of King Herod's hilltop palace of Machearus still stands. This is the place where Herod Antipas beheaded John the Baptist at the request of Salome.

Lot's Cave

A Byzantine monastic complex, it included a church with mosaic floors, a reservoir, living quarters, a burial chamber and a cave that appears to have been presented to pilgrims as the place where Lot and his daughters took refuge after the destruction of Sodom.

Tell Deir Alla

At Tell Deir Alla, excavations have revealed almost continuous habitation from 1600-400 BC. The site contains evidence of metalworking, grain storage farming and seasonal migration, as well as a cemetery. Archaeologists believe this may be the biblical site of Succoth.

Tell Saadiyyeh

An important walled town for most of the Bronze and Iron Ages (3200-536 BC). It had a large Caravanserai (Inn) in the early Islamic period, and is believed to be associated with the biblical sites of Zaphon and Zarthan.

Bab ad-Dhraa and Numeira


A circular charnel house at Bab ad-Dhraa on the south east coast of the Dead Sea.

Eco Tourism & Nature


The Wadi Mujib Gorge.

The growing demand on water consumption in the region has seen the natural inflow to the Dead Sea diminish rapidly over the past years. So much so, that there is a risk of the sea drying up altogether within the next 50 years. This would be a devastating loss, not only for tourism and the economy, but also for the loss of the Dead Sea’s unique properties, the surrounding environment and its flora and fauna.

To combat this critical situation, plans are being made to transport water from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea. The operation, known as ‘Peace Conduit’ since it involves the cooperation of Jordan, Israel and Palestine, aims at bringing 1.8 billion cubic metres of water annually to the Dead Sea.

The Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN) is deeply involved in the protection of wildlife and habitats within the area and has received international acclaim for its pioneering work in developing nature-based businesses for local people.

Mujib Nature Reserve


Sedimentary build-up at the point where Wadi Mujib meets the Dead Sea.

The Mujib Nature Reserve is the lowest-altitude nature reserve in the world, with its spectacular array of scenery near the East coast of the Dead Sea. The reserve is located within the deep Wadi Mujib gorge which enters the Dead Sea at 410m below sea level. The reserve extends to the Karak and Madaba mountains to the North and South, reaching 900m above sea level in some places. This 1,300m variation in elevation, combined with the valley's year-round water flow from seven tributaries, means that the Wadi Mujib enjoys a magnificent biodiversity that is still being explored and documented today.


Sure-footed Nubian Ibex.

Over 420 species of plants, 102 species of permanent and migratory birds and10 species of carnivore including the Red Fox, Blandford Fox, Hyena, Jackal, Wild Cat, Caracal, Badger, Mongoose, Wolf and Arabian Leopard have been recorded to date. Some of the remote mountain and valley areas are difficult to reach, offering a safe haven to various species of cats, goats and other mountain animals.


The Caracal.

Mujib's sandstone cliffs are an ideal habitat for one of the most beautiful mountain goats in the world, the Nubian Ibex. The natural Ibex herds have declined over the years due to over hunting, prompting Jordan's Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature to establish a captive-breeding programme for the Ibex within the Mujib Nature Reserve.

Mujib is also home to carnivorous species such as the Caracal; a medium-sized cat distinguished by its black and white ear tufts. An agile and powerful hunter, the Caracal can be spotted in action in the rocky valley of Mujib, using its amazing jumping power to catch airborne prey.

Leisure & Wellness


Health & Wellness spas are found in all the major hotels.

The unusual attributes of the Dead Sea have been known for centuries. It is the only place in the world where this particular combination of spa benefits exists. Peculiar sun radiation and climatic conditions, enriched oxygen atmosphere, mineral-rich sea salt, thermo-mineral springs, and mineral-rich mud, all offer effective medical treatment and therapeutic benefits that attract visitors from all over the world. The plants that grow at the lakeside, particularly the balsam tree, produce highly valuable and sought-after cosmetics, perfumes and medical substances.

Two 5-star resorts offer not only excellent leisure facilities and restaurants but also non-medical, well-being spas, which feature an expansive array of treatments.

Dead Sea Treatments


Health & Wellness spas are found in all the major hotels.

The therapeutic benefits of the Dead Sea have been known to man for at least two thousand years. At 410 metres below sea level, it has a unique combination of climatic conditions and elements; sun, water, mud and air, which have been proven to offer excellent natural treatments for a range of chronic ailments including dematological problems such as Psoriasis, Atopic Dermatitis, Vitiligo and Psoriatic Arthritis, as well as for respiratory conditions such as Asthma, and for many other ailments, including Arthritis, circulatory problems, hypertension, Parkinson’s Disease and some eye problems.

Today, thousands of people from all over the world come to the Dead Sea to rejuvenate, recover, relax and enjoy its natural benefits. A chain of world class luxury hotel and spa resorts line the coast. These provide superlative accommodation and range of treatments in their spas. The Dead Sea’s clinics specialize in the treatment of skin, joint and eye diseases as well as respiratory and hypertension problems. Each clinic has a team of senior physicians and experts and a fully trained nursing staff.


Mud treatment.

The Dead Sea's laboratories produce a range of facial mud masks, bath salts, shampoos, cleansers, nourishing creams, moisturizers, hand creams, make-up removers, skin toners, astringents, face washes, bath and shower gels, soaps and sun protection creams. All are produced from the area's natural products, are of excellent quality and are available in outlets throughout Jordan or can be ordered on-line for delivery anywhere in the world, so that visitors can continue to enjoy the benefits of the Dead Sea, long after they have returned home.

The Dead Sea Medical Centre is certified by the Jordanian Ministry of Health and the Jordanian Chamber of Physicians for the treatment of skin complaints, physical therapy and rehabilitation.

Along the south east coast of the Dead Sea are the sites of Bab ad-Dhraa and Numeira, both plausible candidates for the biblical sites of Sodom and Gomorrah, (In the Book of Genesis, God destroyed these places because He was displeased with the wickedness of the inhabitants). Bab ad-Dhraa was inhabited for about 1000 years during the early Bronze Age. Nomads used this place as a cemetery, burying their dead in multiple shaft tombs and charnel houses. Numeira, 14 km to the south, was a large hilltop walled town that lasted for around a century during the Early Bronze Age period. A 40cm layer of ash indicates that this ancient place suffered a fiery destruction.

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Jordan Artist Tours

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Tel #: 00962 (0) 3 215 7561
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Skype ID: jordanartisttours

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Jordan Artist Tours
P.O.Box 170 Petra 71810 Jordan
Tel: 00962 (0) 3 215 7561
Fax: 00962 (0) 3 215 4561
Skype ID: jordanartisttours